Haskell does some type inference, meaning it infers the types of elements from syntactic clues in a program, so you'll see me use some functions without declaring associated types. Haskell会做一些类型推断,这意味着它会根据程序中的语义线索来推断元素的类型,所以您会看到我在使用有些函数时没有声明相关的类型。
Data stored in rows and columns with a schema allow the meaning of the data to be understood by a computer program. 计算机程序能够理解带模式并储存在行和列中的数据的语义。
Aross the road, the Roundhouse shows it knows the meaning of eclectic, with a program that includes big-name musicians, and even circus acts. 马路对面的Roundhouse上演各种音乐的现场表演,包括一些大牌音乐家的演出,以及马戏表演。
By discussing the meaning of body image, it's measurement, and the influential factors, this article will help us manage weight control program to strengthen positive effects. 本文藉由探讨身体意象的意义、评量及影响因素,进一步规划体重控制计画,以加强实施成效。
It is some meaning for command decision of military transportation and combat readiness program of national defense transportation. 对于军交运输指挥决策和国防交通战备规划有一定的意义。
This paper analyses the reason why COM component comes into being, expounds meaning and class of COM component and induces program flow of Com component. 文章分析了COM组件产生的原因;叙述了COM组件的含义及分类,总结与归纳了COM组件的开发流程。
This paper describes the background, the meaning and the practical value of performance management and comprehensive appraisal system of Changchun evening paper, as well as systematic function and principle, Use program and produce course. 本文介绍了长春晚报绩效管理与综合考评系统的研究背景、意义和实用价值,以及系统的功能原理、使用程序和制作过程。
This paper mainly discusses the connotation of the likely program invariants which base on the program contract and the meaning of discovering program invariants by the technology of dynamically making program assertion. 本文主要讨论基于合约的似然程序不变量的内涵,以及通过程序断言动态生成技术来发现程序不变量的意义。
Based on the geometrical meaning of structural reliability index, the reliability optimization model of segments lining in shield tunnel is proposed. Furthermore, the program is developed according to complex optimization algorithm. 从结构可靠度指标的几何意义出发,推导了管片衬砌结构可靠度指标计算的优化模型,在此基础上研制了基于复形优化思想的数值计算程序。
By this I gain a critical point of view toward analytical philosophers 'disposal of the problem of meaning, and get a guideline for the overall position of the researching program of this paper. 这使我获得了反观分析哲学家如何处理意义概念的一个批判性的角度,并在理论布局上得到了方向性的指引。
Starting from clarifying the meaning of curriculum characteristics, the paper discusses the index, subject and program of the evaluation of curriculum characteristics, and tries to remedy the defects of the evaluation. 从澄清高校课程特色的涵义入手,对课程特色评估的指标、主体、程序进行探讨,对填补高校课程特色评估理论的空白有一定的意义。
It has significant meaning for establishing perfect community physical exercise service network and implementation of National Fitness Program when colleges actively participating in community physical exercise service. 高校积极参与社区体育健身服务,对建立完善的社区体育健身服务网络和《全民健身计划纲要》的实施有着深远的意义。
The common information database is composed of the information table, which organizes the syntactical meaning of the program efficiently through the tree-style structure, and it offers general organization style of the information for different maintains tools. 公共信息库由信息表组成,通过树型结构高效地组织了程序的语义信息,为不同的维护工具提供了通用的信息组织形式。
These brand symbols will hint each other and annotate the meaning of symbols mutually with the promotion of the program content. 这些品牌符号会随着节目内容的推进,相互暗示,互相诠释符号意义。
Mainly includes: Unchanged the existing institutional framework, giving it new meaning through the reform; set aside the disputes, practice the reform of usufruct of land; Abolish or partial lifting of the collective ownership of the program. 主要包括:保持现有制度框架不变,通过改革赋予其新内涵的方案;搁置现有制度存废的争议,建立和完善土地用益物权制度的方案;废除或部分取消集体所有权的方案。
The meaning of the program is too large, and interoperability is not strong in practical applications. 在实际应用中更存在程序意义过大、操作性不强等问题。
The encoding phase produces the meaning of TV program, in which the ideology of producers is dominant. 编码阶段是电视话语意义生产的阶段,其中占主导地位的是电视新闻制作者的意识形态。
Thirdly, is founded metaphorical meaning of program contents, causes the proof to penetrate from the research surface program into the metaphor structure. 三是揭示了这些程式化内容的隐喻意义,使论证从研究表面程式深入到隐喻结构。
Secondly, the Criminal litigation value of the three perspectives, namely, to explain procedures in criminal defense in the meaning and value. First, the respondent the value of procedural justice program is to achieve the dominant position of the defendants. 答辩程序在刑事诉讼中的意义和价值,表现为以下三个方面:首先,答辩程序对程序公正的价值在于实现被告人的诉讼主体地位。
In detail, this paper includes the following four parts: Part I: this part points out the necessity and the meaning of performance evaluation method of public program. 本文主要包括以下四部分内容:第一部分:公共项目绩效评估方法理论概述。
Research is a standardized management mode of school to promote exploration and practice, the process management in university management application and development, comprehensively promotes. It has great meaning to promote the marketing competitive of EMBA program. 研究是对学校标准化管理模式的探索与实践,推动了流程管理在高校管理中的应用和发展,全面提升EMBA市场竞争力和EMBA团队工作效率有一定的实际意义。
I hope that can provide some the system suggestions for realizing the categorized production of Chinese TV program. At the same time, provide the theories resources with the actuality guides the meaning for the essence theories construction of Chinese TV program. 希望这项研究能为我国电视节目类型化生产的实现,提供一些可供践行的系统性建议;同时,为加强我国电视节目本体建设,提供一点具有现实意义的理论资源。